Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement

This statement and its appendices have been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

(“Deyongs Ltd”) during year ending 31 March 2020 to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains.


Opening Statement from Senior Management

Deyongs Ltd is committed to ensuring that our business and supply chain reflects our values and respect for human rights.  We are committed to improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

All employees involved in the engagement of suppliers must communicate our zero tolerance approach to all prospective parties at the outset of our business relationship and monitor our approach as appropriate thereafter. We terminate our relationship with third parties engaged with us if they do not comply with this Statement.

Deyongs Ltd

Deyongs Ltd is a leading company whose core business is manufacturing, distribution and sale of home textiles and furnishing products. 

Deyongs Ltd, has operations in and sources goods and services from countries including India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, Portugal.

Bed Linen is sourced mainly from Pakistan, and towels India, where our current practice is to ensure we have on our files, an independent social audit certificate.

Appendix 1 – Deyongs Ltd


Our organisational structure and our business

Deyongs Ltd is a leading company whose core business is of sale and distribution of home textiles and furnishing goods.

Deyongs Ltd has its head office at Unit 3 Maxted Court, Maxted Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire HP2 7BL 

Our supply chains

Our key supply chains include procuring goods from India, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Portugal etc.

Our policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

As part of Deyongs Ltd commitment to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking, we have implemented the following policies:

Ethics and Compliance Policy

It is the policy of Deyongs Ltd to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where Deyongs Ltd conducts business. 

Our due diligence processes

We have taken steps to identify, assess, and monitor potential areas of risk in relation to our supply chains.

Deyongs Ltd has established processes in place to vet potential and current suppliers for their involvement in modern slavery and human trafficking; such processes include on-site audits for those suppliers deemed to be in the medium and high risk categories. This compliance due diligence includes, amongst other things, screening of Deyongs Ltd suppliers for the presence of forced and child labour. If we discover evidence of slavery or human trafficking with one of our suppliers through this process, we will refrain from doing business with this supplier and will report such conduct to the relevant authorities, as appropriate.

Deyongs Ltd regularly takes steps to identify the area of its business and its supply chains that are most at risk in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking by on-site audits for those suppliers deemed to be in the medium and high risk categories.


To maintain internal accountability, all relevant personnel are trained to recognise environment, health, safety, and labour/worker concerns, including issues relating to slavery, human trafficking and forced labour, and to report and investigate all suspicions of improper conduct at all suppliers globally. To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we will provide training from time to time to relevant members of staff and workers.

Looking ahead

The Company will continue to develop its practices in respect of combatting slavery or human trafficking to target areas of its business where there is a potential risk of modern slavery. Further training for employees and its supply chain, with an increased emphasis on transparency, may help identify modern slavery risks. Deyongs Ltd shall perform social audit review of the suppliers from time to time.

We shall in future measure our effectiveness by:-

a)            Ensuring there are Independent Ethical Audits or Social certification for every factory / supplier otherwise, we will not engage the business relationship

b)            Corrective Actions from such audits are being implemented (Agenda of Deyongs Ltd visitors to the factory);

c)            Feedback from factory visits by Deyongs Ltd Staff or agents.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Deyongs Ltd slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31st March 2020.